Occupational health
Occupational health is eventually a branch of preventive medicines which examines the relationship between work and health and effects of works on the help of the worker.
Occupational diseases
1. Occupational lungs disease :-
Dustis system of solid small particles in air or gas whoes size distribution is a like colide its originates from mechanical breaking, crushing,granding,mixing,polishing and handling are the main dust generating process.
Types of dust can be classified as under
1. Quartz and mixture containing
2. Asbestos and mixture containing
3. Metal and metal components
4. Plant and animal organic dust
5. Other dust
Dust materials. Diseases
1. Asbestos. Lungs diseases, asbestosis
2. Wood. Allergies, pneumonia
3. Cotton flax. Irritation
Dust control method
1. Know the exposed limit of dust.
2. Elimination of dust process.
3 substitution by a less toxic or non toxic dust
4. Wet method prevent dust particles
5. Local exhaust ventilation should be provided.
2. Occupational dermatitis:-
An inflation on skin products which isthe most common skine diseases. Chemical and harmless substance including all form of minerals oil and chemical solvent , x-ray and radiant heat, friction.
3. Occupational Cancers:-
Occupational Cancers is aform of delayed toxicity serious in clinical course an outcome due to exposed chemical and physical agent in workplace.
Preventive measures
1. Not to use carcinogenic substance or process.
Research to find safe subtitut should be developed.
2. Floting purpose exposed to risk those reducing their exposed limit.
3. Reffering serious cases to a cancer hospital or orthosergen.
Occupational health and services and medical examination
1. Medical examination
2. Advice to management and worker
3. Helth education and training
4. Medical treatment first aid emergency and amulatory treatment.
5. Nutrition, family, planning.
6. Research in occupational helth.
Purpose of industrial medical services
1. Identify the hazards
2. Prevention or minimising the hazard
3. Treatment in case of exposed.
4. Determining the combination for damage.
Statutory requirements:-
According factory act 1948(section 45) and there rule their under required first aid ambulance root facilities.
1. Helth record
2. Medical examination
3. Occupational health center
4. Ambulance van
Occupational health is eventually a branch of preventive medicines which examines the relationship between work and health and effects of works on the help of the worker.
Occupational diseases
1. Occupational lungs disease :-
Dustis system of solid small particles in air or gas whoes size distribution is a like colide its originates from mechanical breaking, crushing,granding,mixing,polishing and handling are the main dust generating process.
Types of dust can be classified as under
1. Quartz and mixture containing
2. Asbestos and mixture containing
3. Metal and metal components
4. Plant and animal organic dust
5. Other dust
Dust materials. Diseases
1. Asbestos. Lungs diseases, asbestosis
2. Wood. Allergies, pneumonia
3. Cotton flax. Irritation
Dust control method
1. Know the exposed limit of dust.
2. Elimination of dust process.
3 substitution by a less toxic or non toxic dust
4. Wet method prevent dust particles
5. Local exhaust ventilation should be provided.
2. Occupational dermatitis:-
An inflation on skin products which isthe most common skine diseases. Chemical and harmless substance including all form of minerals oil and chemical solvent , x-ray and radiant heat, friction.
3. Occupational Cancers:-
Occupational Cancers is aform of delayed toxicity serious in clinical course an outcome due to exposed chemical and physical agent in workplace.
Preventive measures
1. Not to use carcinogenic substance or process.
Research to find safe subtitut should be developed.
2. Floting purpose exposed to risk those reducing their exposed limit.
3. Reffering serious cases to a cancer hospital or orthosergen.
Occupational health and services and medical examination
1. Medical examination
2. Advice to management and worker
3. Helth education and training
4. Medical treatment first aid emergency and amulatory treatment.
5. Nutrition, family, planning.
6. Research in occupational helth.
Purpose of industrial medical services
1. Identify the hazards
2. Prevention or minimising the hazard
3. Treatment in case of exposed.
4. Determining the combination for damage.
Statutory requirements:-
According factory act 1948(section 45) and there rule their under required first aid ambulance root facilities.
1. Helth record
2. Medical examination
3. Occupational health center
4. Ambulance van